Monday, September 12, 2011

Another "Slab" of Information!

Welcome to Redakai: Down Under, everyone who has ever bought any booster pack in Redakai probably heard of this littl' crab right here...

Slab, Slab Slab SLAB SLAB!!! Nobody really likes the Crab Elementals do they? They are common, they don't heal any bars, no special abilities what-so-ever and generally a liability! So, why use Slab??? To me, they're a Wall Card. A new classification hahaha! Wall Cards are cards which host high defense in a colour similar to Trisquad Red Machine and Green Machine. When Gold Riptide comes out, I might use these fellas as a line of defense and keep my React Attack Cards for other uses. Of course, comparing these guys to Trisquads who actually have abilities, Slab gives you some room for other defenses, Red Slab giving you a free top zone, Rock Slab the middle zone and Blue Slab the bottom Zone. This allows for crazy defense in 1 colour and a minor defense in another or an utterly crazy defense against 1 colour. With Red Slab hosting 700 Red Defense in total, slap on another 400 Red Defense and you can stop Supernami, an almost impossible attack to stop! Slab's Wall-ing capabilities are definitely one to look at once Riptide, Gold Elemental Comes out! But for now, we can use them for some type of insane defense =P!
4.5/10 For All Slabs Though...

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